Growing Old with Jerri Ann

Learning New Things

Learning New Things

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Learning AI

One of the things I am learning, and not near as quickly as I had hoped is AI. Do you know what AI is? Do you use AI? I’m going to visit a few sites that offer tutorials and the first one I have undertaken is called The Rundown AI. I’ve started a course on their site that is free and so far it has been very informative. I’ve also started another job working with AI and basically training various programs and websites on how to use AI. You would think I should have taken (and finished) a course or two but that’s not how I roll. Like most people who are online or even mobile, AI is not a stranger. So, that’s why I took the job working to train AI systems.

But, The Rundown AI is very simple and easy to learn and offers many resources for the how to and why of AI as well as teaches simple uses. And it’s free but also offers a certification. So, the way I figure it, the more you learn….well the more you know, right? Follow me along as I will point out some of the major things I learn and will link you to their site (or any other if I find more — and I will) so you can go see for yourself.

The last thing I’m going to tell you about this “learning AI” project of mine is I’m going to show you along the way my learning experiences. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes so you don’t make the same ones. I’m going to start with designing my own site here and I’ll be sure to document the good and the bad. Don’t forget to check back often as the learning will be fast at first and then I will probably take longer to learn the more sophisticated stuff.

Thanks for reading,

Jerri Ann

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