Growing Old with Jerri Ann

Adopting… A Pet That Is!

Adopting… A Pet That Is!

So, I’ve been asking my Prince for a dog for a couple of months. First, the answer was, “No, if you get a dog, I’m moving out”. I knew he wasn’t serious, but I waited. Finally, I said I was absolutely serious and he said, “Ok, but please don’t get one we will trip over or step on.”

And, so I went on the hunt within minutes of getting that approval (ha, as if I need it but it’s fun to play that game, right?). I went to a few shelters and looked at probably 50 dogs total. Finally, last Friday, I had looked at several dogs butt his one particular dog kept coming up in my search. I said, ok, let me see her. And then I adopted her. We’ve been going to see her to try to make the transition easier while we wait for her to be spayed.

We spent last weekend doggy-proofing as much of the house as we could think of that might need it. After spending most of the afternoons with her this week, she doesn’t appear to be a chewing dog and she certainly isn’t a fetcher, much to my son’s dismay. I am not real sure how she will do with being housebroke and of course, that’s the worst part.

Anyway, her name at the shelter is “Smore,” but she doesn’t answer to that so we will be changing her name to “Isobel”.

What do you think? Does she look like an Isobel to you?

Thanks for reading,

Jerri Ann